
Třídenní workshop BODY HARNESS MOVEMENT PRACTICE s Eleonorou Dall’Asta (14.-16.4.2022)

Čtvrtek 14.4. / 11:00 / Workshop / KD Mlejn

ČT 14. 4. 11:00 – 15:30, PÁ 15. 4. 10:00 – 13:00, SO 16. 4. 10:00 – 13:00, nutná účast po všechny tři dny workshopu

Třídenní workshop s Eleonorou Dall’Asta zaměřený na vzdušný tanec v sedáku, techniku contra-weight, counter-balance s objektem a pohybový výzkum.

Eleonora Dall’Asta je absolventkou školy National Centre for Circus Arts v Londýně. V současné době dokončuje výzkum na Stockholmské škole DOCH, je zakladatelkou a ředitelkou panamského souboru LA TRIBU a hlavní koordinátorkou projektu EL CUATRO ROJO, prostoru pro cirkus, současný tanec a performance. Jejím největším projektem je laboratoř vzdušného tance PANAMÁ AÉREA.

Projekt byl finančně podpořen v rámci Národního plánu obnovy Ministerstvem kultury České republiky a Evropskou unií.

termín a místo: 14. – 16. 4. 2022 každý den 3 hodiny, KD Mlejn, Kovářova 4, vstup zadním vchodem budovy
lektor: Eleonora Dall’Asta
cena: 2000,- / 1800,- Kč student
číslo účtu: 2300410422/2010

Pro účast v kurzu aktuálně není nutné se prokazovat certifikátem o očkování, prodělání nemoci Covid-19 ani testem. Změnu podmínek sledujte na
Tento kurz je určen pouze pro dospělé (tedy starší 18 let).
Věnujte prosím pozornost Provoznímu řádu:
V případě nízkého zájmu (méně než 5 účastníků), nebude kurz otevřen.

Kontakt: Eva Roškaňuková,, mobil: +420 731 416 427


BODY HARNESS MOVEMENT PRACTICE is a Workshop where we learn how to build and create a movement practice from the use of harnesses in the air, in the floor and between each other.
Focusing on how suspension is generated in our body through movement and the interpretation of the space and objects around us.

This practice is divided in three sections:
The Warm up. 20 min aprox.
Is a movement based warm up where we explore our own mobility relating with what we see and image. We will research different tools to challenge our body and the space generating a fresh way to integrate us to any environment.

1.Floor Practice. (1 hour)
Inside the floor practice we will approach 2 mechanisms:
A.The „vertical floor“ is a practice that explores floor dance technique through harness work on a very low height. Vertical floor will provide us with a strong center that is essential for the work that follows and it provides a very nice movement flow while the body is on a low suspension.


B.The second practice is the „horizontal suspension“ in which we hang through diverse „anchor points“ on an horizontal plane and we play with some pulleys and self-manipulations creating several patterns on our body. In this section we also interact between each other using ropes and trying to find ways of moving on a counter balance situation through harnesses .

2. Aerial Suspension
(30 min)
In this section we will climb the ropes through vertical dance apparatuses (gri gri, ascenders); we will review some basic technique so we can stay comfortable on a full suspended situation.
The work in the air consists on diving deep into the inversion of the body, playing with improvisation and applying tools such as imagery, oppositions, rope manipulations to find other mechanisms of movement thinking.

3. The practice with objects or site-specific (1 hour)
Depending on the timeline of the workshop, the space and the participants; we can either have everyday a little session of playing with objects found in the place, suspending them or we can either make a little research on how to use the space we have and still have a suspension on alternative places. In this part we plunge into the space and its architectural forms to find anchor points in the most diverse locations.

Equipment for participants:
1 harness
1 gri gri or similar
1 carabiner
(1 ascender every 2 or 3 people)

Dress code for participants:
-long trousers
-t shirt that covers the belly button and with long sleeves

This workshop is suitable for:
Persons who practice some discipline related to movement
Dancers or students in dance
Circus Artists or students in circus
Vertical Dancers or students in vertical dance
Physical theatre or students in physical theatre

Eleonora mainly works with movement in suspension, abandoned objects and site specific performance.
Her methodology to approach movement comes from the space itself, its shapes, patterns, elements, architecture, nature, and is based on actions like: watching/feeling/imaging/describing/reinterpreting/moving.
Her Performative work with objects and space tends to contemplate how materials transform in suspension and assume other roles. She works with everything that is in a space without having an expectation and slowly all “becomes” something else. Recently on her latest works she is approaching performance through installation and technology as ways to alter the perception of herself and the observer.

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